Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Recipe society

Recipe society.
Had it been to so cliché in the earlier world we would not have reached so far.
The society is a recipe society today. It blindly follows the recipes of fashion , party , living , aspirations, models of developments, religions.
We make heroes out of everything and follow them blindly. The problems arise when there are people who think that they are right and others are wrong. And they also want you to follow their recipes unquestionably. Raise any question , try something new , unleash yourself and you will be seen after dipped into one or the other recipes. If that tastes good with this recipe you are through or you and your idea will be thrown away.
Right from the beginning of life you will be taught how to dress , how to behave, how to read, how to speak, what to read, what to do, what not to do, bla bla bla…. This is a long composition of recipe. We all are sizzled through culture recipe, education, language, country etc .
This recipe society stops you on every count to go even little beyond the standard recipe. The novelty , the creation, the innovation are the bitter words for the standard recipe.
What is a direct connection of uniform in a school education or education at all. Unless Uniform does not promote and prosper uniformity, its useless.
Why chadhava in the mandir. Why there are queues in the temples for darshan when the god is everywhere .
Why teaching one language and derise others when better communication is the only goal of any language.

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