Monday, December 28, 2009

whatz in the education

Whatz in the education

1.Vasudha is tense about her homework . she is just 5. in a kg class. She has to swallow the dose of this bitter pill of homework everyday.
Meenakshi is seeing the doc for extreme fatigue. She is advised to rest for a week. She and her parents are now worried she will lag in her class schedules. She is in class5th.
Soumya is staying overnight at the coaching institute for group discussions and crash course preparation of the competition.
Ritu is crying and the mother is scolding her for not paying attention at the preparations in time for GMAT.
Mitu is upset that she could not find time for dancing classes due to her semester tests.

2. ritesh has a nervous breakdown . he has failed in job interviews and now at the perplexed situation what to choose for his career.
Mukesh is under depression due to target pressures. He is spending almost all the time in the target completion and still is unable to touch around . he is in insurance.
Ravi is tense because his doc pointed diabetes at his 30s. he is in sales touring job. He does extensive touring and has to stay away from family for most of the months’ days.
Due to reservations policy change manish could not get the job .
Saumesh is sad . he could not become an IAS even after three attempts.and now is sharing his forefathers shop of retail grocery.
Nimisha committed suicide due to the same reason. She was the only child of her working parents . the father work for a bank and the mother is a lecturer.
prasad wanted to be a travel guide and his parents wanted him to be a doctor . now he is doing an accountant job in a private company.

now after over half a century of freedom , we are a country known for its population and population growth. more than one crore aspirants in the higher education every year we are still following almost the same education system as in the late 50s. the changes in the scenario are abundant , obvious and explicit,
  • the population of students is increasing every year and has escalated to more than 1000 times.
  • the awareness to the education is increasing.
  • the subjects of the education are changing and increasing day by day. 
  • the specialization is increasing.
  • the competition is increasing day by day.
we are having policies for the malls , for foreign investments , for taxation , for employment but we are paying least attention to the education. despite mass desperation due to competition we are not increasing the number of good professional institutions for education. it is not understood why we have so small number of medical colleges when we know that there is so much demand for doctors . why we have so small number of engineering institutes while the infrastructure development is in the priority of both central and state governments.

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