Monday, December 28, 2009

mass exhodus

ask any village student what does he want to become . i was surprised to know that almost nobody wanted to become a farmer or to continue his forefather's profession in the village. 
India is a country of agriculture and more than 70% of the area of land is used for agriculture. this nonchalance towards agriculture of the new generation is alarming and surprising. 
go to the agriculture education institutes and ask students what are their career goals . the answers may again surprise you . most of them want a job in a agri- related company.

most of the rich business houses have purchased lands in thousand acres and now are planning for the real estates . the surroundings of the metro cities show you the examples of these.  

we are still dependant on the natural factors for the good crops. 
we are now purchasing the GMO treated seeds . the seeds process and market is in the hands of the foreign companies or collaborated companies. 
we are not opening any new research centers for agriculture. frankly ask yourself how many news you read this year about innovation or new technology in the agriculture in the paper or electronic media. 

in a vast country where most people are farmers . we hardly learn anything about agriculture and its happening till our schooling. 
if there are any changes in the methods of farming , its by the active farmers own inclination . we are not doing anything to propagate a planned agriculture promotion and development. 

well probably that is the reason why the village has a mass exhodus towards metro cities .

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