Recipe society.
Had it been to so cliché in the earlier world we would not have reached so far.
The society is a recipe society today. It blindly follows the recipes of fashion , party , living , aspirations, models of developments, religions.
We make heroes out of everything and follow them blindly. The problems arise when there are people who think that they are right and others are wrong. And they also want you to follow their recipes unquestionably. Raise any question , try something new , unleash yourself and you will be seen after dipped into one or the other recipes. If that tastes good with this recipe you are through or you and your idea will be thrown away.
Right from the beginning of life you will be taught how to dress , how to behave, how to read, how to speak, what to read, what to do, what not to do, bla bla bla…. This is a long composition of recipe. We all are sizzled through culture recipe, education, language, country etc .
This recipe society stops you on every count to go even little beyond the standard recipe. The novelty , the creation, the innovation are the bitter words for the standard recipe.
What is a direct connection of uniform in a school education or education at all. Unless Uniform does not promote and prosper uniformity, its useless.
Why chadhava in the mandir. Why there are queues in the temples for darshan when the god is everywhere .
Why teaching one language and derise others when better communication is the only goal of any language.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
whatz in the education ii
now after over half a century of freedom , we are a country known for its population and population growth. more than one crore aspirants in the higher education every year we are still following almost the same education system as in the late 50s. the changes in the scenario are abundant , obvious and explicit,
the population of students is increasing every year and has escalated to more than 1000 times.
we are having policies for the malls , for foreign investments , for taxation , for employment but we are paying least attention to the education. despite mass desperation due to competition we are not increasing the number of good professional institutions for education. it is not understood why we have so small number of medical colleges when we know that there is so much demand for doctors . why we have so small number of engineering institutes while the infrastructure development is in the priority of both central and state governments.
the awareness to the education is increasing.
the subjects of the education are changing and increasing day by day.
the specialization is increasing.
the competition is increasing day by day.
mass exhodus
ask any village student what does he want to become . i was surprised to know that almost nobody wanted to become a farmer or to continue his forefather's profession in the village.
India is a country of agriculture and more than 70% of the area of land is used for agriculture. this nonchalance towards agriculture of the new generation is alarming and surprising.
go to the agriculture education institutes and ask students what are their career goals . the answers may again surprise you . most of them want a job in a agri- related company.
most of the rich business houses have purchased lands in thousand acres and now are planning for the real estates . the surroundings of the metro cities show you the examples of these.
we are still dependant on the natural factors for the good crops.
we are now purchasing the GMO treated seeds . the seeds process and market is in the hands of the foreign companies or collaborated companies.
we are not opening any new research centers for agriculture. frankly ask yourself how many news you read this year about innovation or new technology in the agriculture in the paper or electronic media.
in a vast country where most people are farmers . we hardly learn anything about agriculture and its happening till our schooling.
if there are any changes in the methods of farming , its by the active farmers own inclination . we are not doing anything to propagate a planned agriculture promotion and development.
well probably that is the reason why the village has a mass exhodus towards metro cities .
whatz in the education
Whatz in the education
1.Vasudha is tense about her homework . she is just 5. in a kg class. She has to swallow the dose of this bitter pill of homework everyday.
Meenakshi is seeing the doc for extreme fatigue. She is advised to rest for a week. She and her parents are now worried she will lag in her class schedules. She is in class5th.
Soumya is staying overnight at the coaching institute for group discussions and crash course preparation of the competition.
Ritu is crying and the mother is scolding her for not paying attention at the preparations in time for GMAT.
Mitu is upset that she could not find time for dancing classes due to her semester tests.
2. ritesh has a nervous breakdown . he has failed in job interviews and now at the perplexed situation what to choose for his career.
Mukesh is under depression due to target pressures. He is spending almost all the time in the target completion and still is unable to touch around . he is in insurance.
Ravi is tense because his doc pointed diabetes at his 30s. he is in sales touring job. He does extensive touring and has to stay away from family for most of the months’ days.
Due to reservations policy change manish could not get the job .
Saumesh is sad . he could not become an IAS even after three attempts.and now is sharing his forefathers shop of retail grocery.
Nimisha committed suicide due to the same reason. She was the only child of her working parents . the father work for a bank and the mother is a lecturer.
prasad wanted to be a travel guide and his parents wanted him to be a doctor . now he is doing an accountant job in a private company.
now after over half a century of freedom , we are a country known for its population and population growth. more than one crore aspirants in the higher education every year we are still following almost the same education system as in the late 50s. the changes in the scenario are abundant , obvious and explicit,
1.Vasudha is tense about her homework . she is just 5. in a kg class. She has to swallow the dose of this bitter pill of homework everyday.
Meenakshi is seeing the doc for extreme fatigue. She is advised to rest for a week. She and her parents are now worried she will lag in her class schedules. She is in class5th.
Soumya is staying overnight at the coaching institute for group discussions and crash course preparation of the competition.
Ritu is crying and the mother is scolding her for not paying attention at the preparations in time for GMAT.
Mitu is upset that she could not find time for dancing classes due to her semester tests.
2. ritesh has a nervous breakdown . he has failed in job interviews and now at the perplexed situation what to choose for his career.
Mukesh is under depression due to target pressures. He is spending almost all the time in the target completion and still is unable to touch around . he is in insurance.
Ravi is tense because his doc pointed diabetes at his 30s. he is in sales touring job. He does extensive touring and has to stay away from family for most of the months’ days.
Due to reservations policy change manish could not get the job .
Saumesh is sad . he could not become an IAS even after three attempts.and now is sharing his forefathers shop of retail grocery.
Nimisha committed suicide due to the same reason. She was the only child of her working parents . the father work for a bank and the mother is a lecturer.
prasad wanted to be a travel guide and his parents wanted him to be a doctor . now he is doing an accountant job in a private company.
now after over half a century of freedom , we are a country known for its population and population growth. more than one crore aspirants in the higher education every year we are still following almost the same education system as in the late 50s. the changes in the scenario are abundant , obvious and explicit,
- the population of students is increasing every year and has escalated to more than 1000 times.
- the awareness to the education is increasing.
- the subjects of the education are changing and increasing day by day.
- the specialization is increasing.
- the competition is increasing day by day.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
प्रकृति बोलती है पर हम अपनी व्यस्तता के कारण सुन नहीं पाते
जंगली फूलों को कोई बड़ा नहीं करता । 

ये पेड़ कैसे बच गया हमारे विकास के किनारे पर
पत्थर और पेड़ , पानी से बातें करते हुए
पत्थरों की भी आंखें होती हैं।
उनका दिल भी होता है.
उनकी नक् भी होती है.
जंगली फूल
पेड़ों का दिल क्या कहता है प्रकृति और क्या ,
थोडा झांक कर देखो

ये पेड़ कैसे बच गया हमारे विकास के किनारे पर
पत्थर और पेड़ , पानी से बातें करते हुए
पत्थरों की भी आंखें होती हैं।
उनका दिल भी होता है.
उनकी नक् भी होती है.
जंगली फूल
पेड़ों का दिल क्या कहता है प्रकृति और क्या ,
थोडा झांक कर देखो

madhya pradesh,
मध्य प्रदेश,
marriage of trees

strange assimilation what i call marriage of trees growing together.
pedon ka vivah

i found them on my way just to see so many trees here and i found this .

more closer look.

the stem of the tree.

completely intertwined with each other
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