Saturday, September 25, 2010


death is an inevitable and eventual step of life. its the end of the project 'life'. but like other projects we do not celebrate the completion. although its known that death is certain but every body wants to avoid this step. it can be a prepared step . when we start perceiving the life as a timebound project its easy. we can get prepared.  everything has eventuality in this world. the day , the night, the seasons, even the planets and stars have eventuality including all live life forms, so is our human life. 
now the celebration can begun if we know what is the meaning of our life. 
why are we here?
there are so much preaching about this question . life is for others , its for wellbeing . its the search of the soul, its the destiny, its the result of an earlier life, its the equation handed over to you by sins and bla bla bla,

but to find the meaning to your life. it is your own search of the meaningful life.

if you can find an answer to this question and satisfy yourself with the answer without the external "provided" answers from others. 

you can celebrate the eventuality of your life form

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