Sunday, February 4, 2007

what is trendrevolution

When I look at the world and evaluate I see few things.
The world we dont know who or what made.
the world we made.
As a human nature there is a quest a continuous quest to find the truth about the both world.
When I search the first world I find two elements
one world is extremely systematic, obedient and disciplined like
the sun rises from the east( or the east is the direction where the sun rises from) everyday?
and sets everyday.
The moon has a fortnightly cycle.
the water will quench the thirst not the fire.
The dog regenerates only dog not cat.
A human cannot generate a monkey or even a human with a tail like monkey. and so on.

the other element is chaos.
the one time sex of a human has a possibility of millions of births but it may or may not generate at all even in 100 times.
the rain does not have a particular cc of downpour. it may rain for a while or may play for days .
the seed may generate a sprout or may not . it may become a big tree or may not.

what is the formula of the world . who made this big formula . Its the real big picture.
The world seems to be equal to systematic + chaos.
can there be a formula we can derive the world happenings by?
can there be a formula we can understand a happening ?
secondly there is a world we have made.
we again are into two elements
one element is the systematic development/growth.
the other is governed by the chaos.
Think about the computer and internet. we have developed to communicate orally or by signals probably first then we started to make some murals. then we developed codes to communicate properly orally and by writing. Then we developed them more into languages. Then came the system of writing. the tools to write developed . Then we thought of speed. typewriters were the first equipments followed by computers . Then we started to use computers to communicate. Then we started to communicate with the whole world through internet. The quest is going on .
But none of the discoveries were systematic as far as finding was concerned . Although we perceived the finding useful and we started to make a chaotic discovery into a systematic development.

two brothers start the same legacy business. one makes it a big success another goes bankrupt .
Although there can be a lot of analysis for both the outcomes as an aftermath. But there was no system to find out exactly as who will succeed and who will fail and why, at the start of the story.

we have developed a word luck . we call it good luck and bad luck.
is there a formula to know the exact happenings.? if there is not a sure way, then there is a content of chaos.

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