Monday, February 5, 2007

Thinking mind.

The mind is like a drunken monkey. It keeps on hopping from one place to another without any plan. When you sit down quietly and go inside your mind you find that there is incessant flow of thoughts. You are unable to stop the flow.
You listen a voice outside the mind start working on it. example
you are sitting on a chair on your garden with closed eyes. outside the lawn a dog bark reaches your ears. your mind starts: this dog always disturbs me whenever I try to relax. Why your neighbour does not train his dog to sit quietly. the dog they enjoy the barks we get disturbence. This neighbour has a habit of creating something or else for disturbing others specially me. last time when I had to park my car in hurry......bla bla bla . After few seconds or may be less then that the mind has thought about relax , bark, dog, that dog, the neighbour, the other neighbours, the habits and other instances with the neighbour, about his car, that instance and so many other things together with these major characters.
I have found there are two elements in this inner world too, like the outside world.
One has a system
the other is chaotic.
when you listen to a particular ringtone on your mobile your mind pops the name of the person who is trying to contact you , the other memories about him/her and some prepared thoughts so that you can start the communication with(expectation thoughts.)
But while you are taking your lunch it is not known why you thought about that person . you have not met him today. no meeting or no direct connection was there. not all idea pop up with a connection to the outer world. the mind in itself creates some idea .
It never remains idle. Like the outer world around you always have an event or a happening whether you think about it you are involved into it or not.

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