Monday, July 31, 2017

So the truth that is poor and the lie that is rich is castling sides and the lie is fortified.

Will it be hard to find the truth in this paid and bent interests publicity era.

What is the truth or the brimline has become bruntline and obscure enough to mismatch the truth with the fostered lies.

Or have we become so indifferent to who cares , what is the truth. 

So, lets face whatever is on the today’s menu card.  Just take a bite and leave the rest to swachchbharat abhiyaan.

You will find that these days there are takers for the side of the lie. I call it fostered truth. or should I call it fostered lie claiming to be the truth.

So they are creating a vision to the viewers. I would say forcasting the false images.

They will say this actor is famous. They will say everybody is a great fan . okey , more they will say everybody is a fanatic.

On every endorsed ad , they will throw at you, all the confidence they have and could have borrowed from the acting &  drama schools. this is possible either because of their ill-knowledge or they have been feeded this way and they don’t care any further.
Although the lines these days are like “ goodmost of the bestest of the best product in the whole universe”. And they don’t want us to believe. They are sure about the magic of the repetitions. Say the lie “the mala-jaap” times so it will be directly accepted to your subconscious.

And you really do not know when and how you have already accepted the fostered lie as a clean truth.

So the truth that is poor and the lie that is rich is castling sides and the lie is fortified.

What say?

Monday, July 24, 2017


We have been addressing the unemployment from the same old angle since long. 
we need to understand that the growth of population required to be linked proportionately with not the jobs but with the job creating firms , companies and other enterprises. when we will be able to create with a positive proportion , I mean when the jobs creating enterprises will start opening more than the employment seeking youth , the ideal situation will arise.  

this requires that we go through our intellectual assets and natural resources so that we can find our strengths. When the government policies will attend the problem of this attitude then the real India can come out with the strength in the employment sector as well. 

India's new generation is talented , hard working and to the point. but the new opportunities can not be created from the same old gyrating wheel in the same old fashioned methods. 

for India small is beautiful. we need to turn our focus.