Saturday, July 19, 2014

black money

In a country where 40% economy gets managed by black money , people still trying to control them by the interest rates adjustments.
The more you control the more flexibility the black money gets.
its simple.
people have some revolutionery suggestions:

  1. transaction tax.
  2. every citizen to have bank account.
  3. no cash transactions allowed.
  4. deregulate complex web of taxation. 
Doubts about it ?
what say.?

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

is there any policy for planting new trees , while destroying in the process of development. the trees that are being planted are nominal and are not suitable for biodiversity.
plantation does not seem to be oriented towards biodiversity , local flora. the plants are being planted with perspective of mere beatification.
this is going to have drastic effects on the coming future.